Friday, September 17, 2010

Fly on the wall says Apple made Newsday kill funny iPad ap ad | Community

Apps for iPads just stumbled across this article... And just had to share it with all of you... Sometimes people just need to lighten up! It was a joke... An obvious joke... 

Fly on the wall says Apple made Newsday kill funny iPad ap ad

Report unconfirmed; Apple has yet to respond

By Paul McNamara on Fri, 09/17/10 - 8:14am.


Yesterday we were speculating about whether Apple was behind the sudden disappearance from YouTube of a newspaper's funny iPad app ad that depicted a Dad "forgetting" that an iPad is not a rolled up newspaper and using it to swat a fly ... with predictable results; the iPad shatters into a million pieces and we all get a good laugh.

The video went seriously viral ... before the most widely distributed copy disappeared not only from YouTube but a whole bunch of news sites and blogs, including this one.

The newspaper responsible for the ad, Newsday, told me yesterday; "We have taken the commercial 'Flypaper' down and its short, glorious run appears to be over." Newsday would not say why and Apple did not respond to my request for comment.

This morning I open an e-mail from someone purporting to work at Newsday and asking that his identity not be revealed.

 "Newsday got a cease and desist letter threatening all of our apps, if we did not remove the commercial immediately. They took exception to the fact that the (iPad) glass shattered into large jagged pieces ... Your instincts are correct."

I cannot confirm the authenticity of this e-mail or vouch for its accuracy, but the gist rings true to me.

And, if true, we have yet another classic example of lawyers needlessly sucking all the fun out of life.

Meanwhile, there are still copies of "Flypaper" alive and well on YouTube, if you still haven't seen what has caused this kerfuffle.

Sent from my iPad

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